Meet the Wiley Canyon PTA Executive Board!
Stephanie Marx
Emily Morrow
VP - Programs
Maria Malcolm
Bryan Kirkness
VP - Ways & MeansChris Kolodkiej
AuditorDaisy Kirkness
TreasurerMandy Castillo
HistorianBrandee Herrick
ParliamentarianWiley Canyon Elementary School PTA is a non-profit organization that exists to support the education of students.
We are parents of Wiley students who want to ensure the education of the whole child. We raise funds throughout the year to provide assemblies, field trips, and events, such as our yearly Variety Show, to enrich our students’ Wiley Canyon experience. We also provide classroom grants to teachers for supplies to support their teaching efforts.
We welcome you to join the PTA so you can fully participate in enhancing your child’s education. This is an open organization and anyone can join. Please visit our membership page for more information.