Welcome to 4th grade! Our team consists of Mrs. Hunt and Mrs. Mohr. This year your child will face new challenges with the curriculum, switching to the upper-grade playground, and becoming more independent and responsible. Our goal is to create a classroom community of kind, strong, confident, and self-motivated individuals.
In language arts, students will focus on expository text types, context clues, and comprehension while reading and writing opinion, informative, and narrative pieces. In math, students will begin the year with multiplication, focusing on factors and multiples. Later concepts will include division, fractions and geometry.
Students will also use technology such as Word Processing, PowerPoint and Google Classroom. Through the Clever platform, students will use district applications such as Benchmark, Dreambox, Studies Weekly, and STEMscopes to complete assignments.
Homework will consist of a weekly reading log. Students are expected to read for at least for 20 minutes each day. Reading logs are given out at the beginning of the week and must be returned at the end of each week. Assignments are expected to be completed by the due date. Assignments will correspond to the daily lessons. Homework may include having a discussion with parents about a new concept, using web-based programs (DreamBox, Benchmark, etc.), and daily reading.
In 4th grade, students will have the opportunity to participate in chorus, orchestra, and student council. Your child will also have physical education, and art with Mrs. Ferguson. In addition, each student will complete a California Mission project, see what it's like to be a gold miner through our annual Gold Rush Day activities, as well as participate in a musical about the California Gold Rush!!
We are looking forward to a wonderful and exciting year for all the 4th grade students!