5th Grade Supply List
Welcome to Fifth Grade! We are excited to be working with your children as they make their way through this important year. Our team consists of Mrs. Sommers and Mrs. Moffitt. This year will be fun as well as rigorous, and we look forward to supporting your child not only academically, but also socially and emotionally.
The fifth grade team has high expectations for student achievement and behavior. Students need to come to school ready to learn, complete assigned work, follow all school and classroom rules, and participate actively in class. Students are expected to treat other students, all adults on campus, as well as school grounds and property with respect.
Your child will have a variety of learning opportunities within the classroom. Classwork will consist of project-based assignments, cooperative group assignments, and individual assignments, all of which are aligned to the Common Core Standards. Students will also be incorporating technology and Internet research into their work as well as becoming proficient in the use of Google Classroom.
Nightly homework will consist of at least 20 minutes of reading during which students are expected to read an Accelerated Reader (AR) book in their level. Additionally, all students are expected to complete at least seven lessons on DreamBox, an online math program, by Friday of each week. Furthermore, your child’s teacher will be assigning math homework as well as occasional grammar and writing tasks. Your child has a planner in which they write all assignments and important announcements, and it is imperative that parents check their child’s planner nightly.
In fifth grade, students will have the opportunity to participate in Chorus, Orchestra, and Student Council. In addition, your child will take part in monthly art classes. As part of our science program, we will be utilizing our Science Lab to conduct hands-on experiments to support students’ understanding of science skills and concepts. Furthermore, each class will be visiting the school library once a week in order to check out books that can be used for nightly reading.
In the spring, all fifth graders will take a Physical Fitness Test. In addition to running one mile, students are also expected to pass a series of fitness assessments. In order to prepare for these assessments, we ask that you encourage your child to stay active and make sure they are practicing their assigned exercises weekly.
We look forward to a great 5th grade year full of many wonderful learning experiences, and we are eager to work with parents in order to assure the success of each and every student!