Kindergarten Supply List



    Welcome to Kindergarten. This year our team consists of Mrs. Kemple, and Ms. Jirka (SpEd). We plan to provide your child with a strong foundation for learning and make school an enjoyable, happy and safe place to be.

    This year, we expect our students to be responsible, respectful and ready to learn each day. Students should have plenty of sleep and proper nutrition to enable them to be successful learners. We encourage families to share a love of reading and speaking with their children daily. Our goal is for all students to meet the grade-level standards through the support and nurturing of both teachers and families working together.

    Classwork assignments will be based on the Common Core Standards. Much of what we do in our program is not necessarily on paper. Concepts are also learned through the use of music, movement, art, technology and hands-on experiences. Students also have an opportunity twice a month to visit our science lab. We differentiate daily instruction based on the unique learning styles of each child.

    Homework will be sent home every Monday and it is NOT necessary to send it back. Reading should be 15 minutes each night, including reading with a parent.

    Kindergarten is full day and students are dismissed at 2:15 P.M.  All students will have the opportunity to visit the school library weekly, as well as participate in Music, P.E. Classes, and Computer Lab classes. Please clean out backpacks daily and look for completed student work.

    All school and classroom information will be available via ParentSquare.

    We are looking forward to an interesting, fun, and enriching year!