• Developer Fees and Annual Reports

    Government Code Section 65995 and California Education Code Section 17620 allow school districts to levy fees on residential and/or commercial/industrial projects within a school district's boundaries.  The State Allocation Board (SAB) sets the per-square-foot Level 1 school impact fees every two, even years.  The Newhall School District is entered into a school facilities fees allocation agreement with the William S. Hart High School District. The agreement specifies the percentage of the maximum school fees that may be levied and collected by each school district.

    The Newhall School District staff collects school impact fees on residential and commercial/industrial development projects that are within the District’s boundaries. A Certificate of Compliance is issued to the owners/developers upon collection of the school impact fees. Fees apply to all new construction and additions, except for residential projects of less than 500 square feet. To download the latest Developer Fees Schedule, click here.

    Payment Location: 25375 Orchard Village Road, Valencia, CA 91355

    Hours of Collection: The Fiscal Services Department is open for collections, by appointment, Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 3:00pm, except when closed on District holidays. Walk-in appointments will be accommodated based on availability.  To schedule an appointment, please call 661-291-4100.

    Acceptable Forms of Payment: Money orders, as well as personal, business, and cashier checks. 

    Parking: Parking is available onsite in the designated visitor spaces.Certificate icon


    Consider bringing a pre-filled Certificate of Compliance to your appointment

Fee Justification Studies