• A Coherent K-6 Writing Program: Key Features

    • This is an articulated K-6 program that focuses on three genres in depth per grade level (Report of Information, Opinion/Argument, and Narrative).
    •  Summary of narrative and summary of expository text are comprehension skills (K-6).  They teach the structures of narrative and expository text.
    • The program emphasizes understanding of the unique structure (or architecture) of each genre.  It starts with developing teacher knowledge and then showing teachers how to teach the genres appropriate for their grade level.  The writing process and the writing traits are equal partners with structure but neither one nor the other by itself can affect mastery.
    • There is a formative assessment for each grade level genre.  Formative assessments are administered at scheduled junctures during the year.  Assessments are scored at the district by two grade level teachers using standard rubrics.  Teachers review results to identify strengths and improvement areas.  Additional instruction is given according to need.
    • Grade level teachers participate in professional development for each genre.  In the first training, teachers learn the theoretical basis for the program, learn about a genre in-depth, and learn how to teach the genre using grade-appropriate strategies and materials.  Teachers will observe these strategies/skills modeled by teachers/trainers.   In the calibration/scoring session, teachers bring in work samples and use them to practice scoring.  They also share ideas on how to improve the work.
    • Improved student writing is a year-to-year process. As students proceed through the grade levels, they start each year better prepared to master grade level standards.